C3 . ManUtd Resto . Organic Records
MUSICARE 4(Konser amal untuk anak anak yang menderita kanker)
tgl 25 november 2009
19.00 – 22.00 WIB
@Manchester United Resto and Bar
performing live!
Sayangnya MALIQ & D’ESSENTIALS ga jadi main karena jadwalnya bentrok dengan jadwal manggung mereka,, (Huuuffhhhh…)
Malam itu seperti membekukan sejenak pikiran saya tentang satu hal, yaitu kehendak-NYA!!
Buat apa melawan Kehendak-Nya! kalau sebenarnya memang itu yang harus di lalui sebelum menuju hal lainnya.
”It's all about what something is given, and how we can accept and grateful, without having to complain” (dan ini yang sedang saya coba jalani…)
Pada malam itu sebuah titik balik saya dapatkan, there is a super cute boy that he was only 4 years old but has been convicted of blood cancer .. And I cried .. #Be_Well
Dan saya hanya bisa berkata ;
“If you see this boy, he did not see a child convicted of blood cancer.. Because, he was always laughing happily,,,, this is what makes my day looks STUPID!“
“yep, it's not just the verdict, resignation, illness, and grief! but, this is a sense of how we can eliminate all of that and accept it without complaining, but struggled to get past it.”